Some imagination, huh?


I'm Carmen.  

I'm a Jesus freak who also happens to have a ridiculous obsession with all things Disney. I've been a fan since before I can remember, and I've dreamed of working there since I learned real people actually did that ((and it wasn't PURELY magic)). I lived out my dream August-December of 2009, and I've been dying to go back ever since. I want to work for this company for the rest of my life.

Other than that, I love my family and friends, and generally being around people as much as possible. I've never had a job that doesn't involve working with kids except for a brief ((I'm talking 2 months or less)) stint at Subway. I have a fabulous boyfriend. I live at the beach. I love black coffee and green tea. I'm an advocate for the environment. I love all kinds of movies, follow a lot of different TV shows, listen to every type of music you can think of, and read a new book as often as possible. I'm incredibly intelligent, and was most likely a child who would be deemed "Gifted," but my abilities weren't honed, and I've become lazy - but the truth is, I'm just bored and have always felt a level above what I'm learning. I love food, especially international cuisine. I love everything about foreign things, actually - the people, the land, the culture. I want to travel.

Above all else, I want to love. What better place to show people from everywhere love than Walt Disney World? It's my commission from Christ, and I'm going to do it. People are beautiful, and I embrace our differences and imperfections.